Six reunion movies worth revisiting

There’s nothing like getting the gang back together after a long absence to see how everyone’s grown! Today, we’ll be visiting six reunions that made our high school visitation seem tame:

Archie: To Riversale and Back Again (1990)

From our review: “It does not make historically uncool characters like Jughead into smoldering bad-boy bikers. Instead, it removes the things we loved about these characters and amplifies their worst traits.”

Indian Summer (1993)

From our review: “As adults, they’re up to all the old tricks, like camp schrecks (gags) they play on each other, kitchen raids, smoking pot, and remembering stuff that happened at camp, like a first kiss, a marathon called a Tamakwathon, and a first boner.”

Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion (1997)

From our review: “On one level, Romy and Michele is a commentary on social classes of high school (something that’s never been done in movies before, I’m sure) and how we really didn’t understand our peers as teens.”

Grosse Point Blank (1997)

From our review: “It’s a perpetually awkward experience to come back to a place you thought you left for good. And the eighties theme that runs through the film (in music, fashion, and homages to ’80s flicks) is strongly nostalgic in the mid-nineties era in which this movie is placed.”

American Reunion (2012)

From our review: “But the fact that it did happen and that everyone in this movie, from the cast to crew, seem to genuinely care about doing a fourth movie right, makes this something worth noticing, if not viewing.”

Rifftrax Live: MST3K Reunion (2016)

From our review: “It felt warm and fuzzy the way that you do when nostalgia meets the present to demonstrate that what you loved in the past is still worth loving today.”


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